This is a case study of how we took a website in the IT/Marketing space from just 1975 visitors a month to 242K+ monthly visitors in less than 6 months.

In addition to that, they have since averaged over 100K visitors a month.

  • That’s all organic traffic from Google.
  • No paid ads were used.
  • The length of the contract was 12 months.

Introduction to the case study

If there was one thing this company did well, it was their amazing sales skills.
But the owner “struggled” because he wanted his salespeople and the company to get more customers.
Because of that, he felt that his product didn’t have enough “leverage”.

What he really meant was, not enough “leads” and “clients”.

They had a “big vision”.

“This ugly website does 1 million dollars in sales per year?”

The first time I heard of this company was from a friend called Jonny, who worked for these guys.

He had recommended me for the job.

I had a bit of a shock when I saw their website.

mdhuset norway

Jonny couldn’t stop laughing…at my reaction. (This ugly website…)

The “Double Sale” Meeting

They wanted a new website and asked me if I can do SEO, as well?

I said sure, I can optimize the website for you.

But I explained to them that it will also need a long-term plan with a new website, link building and content marketing, etc.

They didn’t quite understand all the weird lingo I was using… but agreed to my proposal…

During the meeting, I showed them how we would put in place our SEO Strategy.

And how this would turn his business into a lucrative brand.

That gets more traffic, leads and sales bla bla…

(Me selling them by trying to paint a vision of how amazing it would be…)

I got along really well with these guys…

But they were like, “yeah, right, we have heard those big income claims and promises before”. (#bl-shit=)

The Project Kicked Off

I was thinking to myself… woohoo!

What an awesome project I’ve got!

The first thing I did was to log in to the Google Analytics account. I wanted to confirm the results they said they currently had.

I saw this result.

Weekly traffic Monthly traffic
475 unique visitors 1975 unique visitors

475 visitors per week google analytics

Not too bad.

But not too good either, since most of the traffic was from themselves.

The new SEO optimized website

I spent a good part of 3 weeks working on the HTML, Tags, Landing Pages and Images optimization and SEO Analysis:

  1. Website history
  2. Backlink Quality Analysis
  3. Identify relevant keywords
  4. Content Marketing strategy
  5. 44 points SEO Audit
  6. Link building strategy
  7. Articles & Content
  8. Social media

My goal was to make it “super” optimized for Google.

Website speed

Then we spent another week indexing specific database fields and speed optimizing the website search speed and website speed.

When we had hit 0.9 second average load time, we sat back to see what would happen.

Here’s what the improved website looked like:

Mediahuset Norge NEW SEO Friendly Website

Status update: 2 Months

The website had been mostly indexed by Google and the results were starting to show up.

Weekly traffic  Monthly traffic
1588 unique visitors 6000 unique visitors

Only after 2 months.

Not bad at all…

But I knew we could do better…

Status update: 3 Months

We had taken out our “Secret Weapon”.

We call it the “Trifecta Link Building that ranks for the algorithm” ethically.

This tool in combination with other leading SEO software works really well for us. The software has been in use for almost 10 years. It gives us critical insights and simply because it works.

For obvious reasons, I can’t into the details here but what I can say is that:

After 3 months of starting the project, we were looking at 12000 visits per month.

I was like, did I really do that?

The owners were on fire!

The sales guys were even crazier.

They were surrounding me begging me to optimize for their sales niche.

Can you optimize this keyword, that keyword for me?.

(Sales guys are intense, they won’t stop talking. :)

Weekly traffic  Monthly traffic
3188 unique visitors 12000 unique visitors

Status update 3 Months

Status update: 5 Months

Traffic kept growing and the page 1 rankings kept coming.

We pumped out more content and backlinks.

By this time we had reached 4200 visits per day.

Weekly traffic  Monthly traffic
31.870 unique visitors 120.000 unique visitors

status update 4 months

Status update: 6 Months

The traffic peaked at 60,703 visitors per week. The final number was 242k visits per month.

Do you want to know what the Sales Manager said?

“I didn’t expect us to get so much publicity and traffic. In fact, both me and my business partner were actually a little worried.

But afterwards, when we saw how much positive feedback we received because of Google, we were very pleasantly surprised.”

Tommy Ivarsson, Sales Manager

Weekly traffic  Monthly traffic
60.703 unique visitors 242.000 unique visitors

status update 6 months google analytics


But, you’re probably wondering, did the results last for a long time?

Status update: 2 Years Later

Are you curious to see the results almost 2 years after we stopped working on the website?

A common concern and question we get is, will the results stay or will they disappear after the work is finished?

The results after 2 years after we stopped working on the site…

Here’s what a million visits per year to a website looks like:

a million visits per year to a website looks like

As you can see from the graph, the million visits are calculated based on numbers from 1 January to 10 August.

Let me ask you something:

Can you imagine getting 1 million visitors per year to your website?

To be more specific, do you think it would result in new leads and clients?

I don’t want to include the profit increase in this post to avoid any income claims but I would like to say that their business exploded after this visibility kickstart. Their income 10x over a 3 year period.

Afterwards, I had a meeting with the owners…

They said: “From our earlier 1975 visitors per month, I think this completely unimaginable and incredibly good!”

They also said: we would recommend you to any business that wants a massive shift in their traffic.



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