We are Page1 Clients.
Were the world’s #1 fanatic landing page-optimizers…
(one of the few SEO Content marketing companies in the world that have achieved 125.691 page 1 rankings, really…)
Anyway, you’re probably trying to figure out who we are…
Whether we’re any good, and whether we can help you improve your SEO so you can get more traffic, leads, and sales.
Well, we want to give it to you straight… so, if you’re in a hurry, just click the button below.
It’ll take you to the main landing page and tell you everything you need to make that decision in less than 30 seconds.
You can even skim it if you’d like.
Are you still here? That can only mean one thing…
You’re curious, you’ve got a few minutes to spare, and you want to dig deeper into our background and learn more about who we are.
Not just as an SEO company, but our backstory.
We’re glad you’re here, and we’re humbled you want to learn about us.
We want to tell you the whole story.
Or at least, the most important parts…

Over the two past decades, we’ve done a lot of SEO consulting…
In our journey so far, we’ve helped hundreds of companies drive a lot of traffic to websites with our On-page SEO and Content marketing services.
Grown a website to 242,000+ monthly visitors in 6 months? Check.
Used content marketing to grow websites to 10.000 monthly visitors? Check.
Worked with Swedish SEO world champion Nr 2 Jim Westergren in 2006? Check.
Partnered with European search award winner in 2019? Check.
Partnered with Bulgarian Global search award winners in 2020? Check.
Page1 Clients has worked with companies from 18 countries? Check.
The weird part of our story, though?
The start of our journey in search marketing was a complete fluke.
Re: Petri Maatta’s Story
It all began when a professional consultant walked in and sold an “SEO package” to a client of mine…
In 2004, I had just finished building a travel agency website. My client was begging me to do SEO for his website.
Because he was so eager to get SEO going, he had booked a meeting with an IT consultant from the aero space industry…
We were working on the final touches of his website, in his office, when the IT consultant walked in.
The IT consultant was extremely intelligent, but by the sound of it, he had no clue about SEO.
I warned my client NOT to order anything from that IT consultant, but he didn’t listen to me. He signed a $2000 one-time package for SEO.
A few days later he received a pdf report from the consultant.
Basically, it had information about the state of the Internet and how it would become the next thing, and that he should not miss out on the potential profits.
I was soo mad!
So mad at this fake SEO expert.
Why would you claim to be an expert at a topic when you obviously had no clue about it? Why?
It really bothered me for a long time.
This all changed when I realized I had a mission and had been focusing on the WRONG thing.
Small Business Owners
Who want to grow fast (and don’t have time to hire) but need a stream of direct-response copy that’ll put them miles above the competition.
Marketing Agencies
Who want to deliver results for clients, but struggle to find a direct-response copywriter they can trust to deliver consistent high-quality work.
Enterprise Brands
Who are looking for an experienced and proven direct-response copywriting partner to help them dominate their vertical as they expand.
We write words that rank, not just inform.

Marketing Directory Norway
Thanks Petri, I didn’t expect us to get so much publicity and traffic.
Google Analytics showed around 242.000 visitors per month. From our earlier 1975 visitors per month, I think this completely unimaginable and incredibly good! In conclusion, I think this was a good decision. I would definitively recommend your product and services for other companies.
Tommy Ivarsson
Mdhuset AS